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Brote de gripe porcina en México de 2009

En marzo y abril de 2009, un brote de una nueva cepa de influenza a la que se refiere como "gripe porcina" tuvo origen en México,y otras partes del mundo. La nueva cepa fue identificada como una combinación de diferentes cepas del Virus de la gripe A, subtipo H1N1, siendo posible que las cepas de este subtipo circulasen en los seres humanos y en los cerdos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) de los Estados Unidos han expresado serias preocupaciones de que la nueva cepa, que se transmite entre los seres humanos ha tenido una alta tasa de mortalidad entre los posibles casos de México y confirmó, tiene el potencial para convertirse en una pandemia de influenza. Se ha informado de que, debido a que el virus es ya generalizado, su contención será imposible.

Desde el 27 de abril de 2009, todas las escuelas del país permanecerán cerradas al menos hasta el 6 de mayo.


El brote se detectó por primera vez en el Distrito Federal, donde la vigilancia comenzó a partir del 18 de marzo. El aumento fue asumido por las autoridades como parte de los "finales de temporada de gripe" (que generalmente coincide con un aumento por el Virus de la gripe) hasta el 21 de abril, cuando un alerta de la CDC en relación con dos casos aislados de gripe porcina, se informó en los medios de comunicación.

Casos confirmados

El Dr. José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, como Secretario de Salud,declaró que desde marzo de 2009, ha habido más de 1.300 casos notificados,con 20 fallecidos, y confirmó que se trata de una nueva cepa de gripe porcina de virus A subtipo H1N1. A partir del 26 de abril se habián registrado 1.614 casos, con 103 muertos y cerca de 400 pacientes en los hospitales. Alrededor de dos tercios de los pacientes enfermos se habían recuperado. Para el día 28 de abril la cifra de muertes aumentó a 152

Impacto social de la epidemia en México

* Como ejemplo inédito nunca antes visto en el fútbol, por decisión de la Federación Mexicana de Fútbol y de los respectivos equipos, fueron realizados a puerta cerrada los partidos de Pumas-Guadalajara, América-Tecos y Pachuca–Cruz Azul. Se devolverán las entradas de los boletos válidos para la temporada 15 del Torneo Clausura, para que la afición no se vea afectada por la propagación de la gripe porcina en lugares de grandes concentraciones humanas. Asi mismo, los 3 partidos se transmitieron por televisión abierta: los primeros dos Televisa y el 3º por TV Azteca.

* También en cuanto al deporte, el 27 de abril se declaró la suspensión oficial de la Olimpiada Nacional en México, la cual había comenzado el 21 de abril en Mexicali.La CONCACAF, de igual manera, decidió aplazar indefinidamente el partido de vuelta por la final de la Liga de Campeones de la CONCACAF 2008-2009 entre Cruz Azul y Atlante, y dar por concluido el Campeonato Sub-17 de la CONCACAF de 2009 que se disputaba en Tijuana.

* El Auditorio Nacional canceló el día 24 de abril un concierto del grupo finlandés The Rasmus, mismo que no podrá ser reprogramado por encontrarse dicho grupo en una gira internacional, de igual manera, el día 25 fue suspendido un concierto del dueto mexicano Ha-Ash, mismo que posteriormente será reprogramado.

* Los días 25 y 26 de abril, por decreto del Gobierno del Estado de México, se suspendió hasta nuevo aviso el Concurso de la Elegancia de México, exhibición de automóviles clásicos que sería llevado a cabo en el Municipio de Huixquilucan, con la participación de clubes de automóviles, así como de las armadoras General Motors de México, Ford Motor Company y Mitsubishi Motors, entre otros.

* Se suspendieron las clases en todos los niveles educativos en todos los estados del país, tanto en escuelas públicas como privadas, hasta el 6 de mayo de 2009, fecha en la que se daría un nuevo aviso.

* El Servicio de Administración Tributaria ha realizado una prórroga para la presentación, por parte de las personas físicas, de la declaración anual de impuestos hasta el 1 de junio de 2009.

* Igualmente se han suspendido más de 500 actividades públicas programadas por el Gobierno del Distrito Federal programadas para el fin de semana del 24 al 26 de abril. La cadena de cines Cinemex cierra sus complejos hasta el día 28 de abril al igual que la cadena Cinépolis. A partir del sábado 25 de abril por la tarde se dio la instrucción de cerrar los restaurantes localizados en la zona hotelera de Polanco, las Lomas de Chapultepec, Santa Fe, y Bosques de las Lomas, colonias localizadas en las delegaciones de Álvaro Obregón, Cuajimalpa, y Miguel Hidalgo, cerrando una cantidad superior a 2,700 restaurantes y discotecas con capacidad superior a 200 personas a lo largo de la ciudad. Con fecha 28 de abril el Gobierno del Distrito Federal ordenó el cierre de todos los restaurantes, permitiéndo únicamente la modalidad de "comida para llevar" o "room service" (en caso de ser restaurantes de hoteles) hasta el próximo 5 de mayo, ésto en medio de controversias con el gremio, dadas las pérdidas económicas previstas.La penalización por incumplimiento es la clausura permanente del local. El Jefe de Gobierno Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, anunció la creación de Brigadas Médicas especiales que estarán facultadas para el retiro de puestos de comida callejeros.

* La Arquidiócesis de la Ciudad de México suspendió todas las misas a celebrarse en las iglesias católicas del área Metropolitana, llevándose a cabo únicamente una ceremonia a puerta cerrada en la Catedral Metropolitana, oficiada por Norberto Rivera Carrera, Arzobispo primado de México, misma que fue transmitida por radio a la población a través de Radio Centro 1030 AM,[40] [41] en la cual se rezó por la epidemia en México. También recordó que la ciudad de México ha sido amenazada por pestes en 1554, 1695, 1736 y 1850.

* El domingo 26, el Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón informó que la posible suspensión de todas las actividades de la ciudad dependerá del control de contagios que se tenga de la epidemia, así como del número de decesos.

* La Comisión Nacional del Agua, a través de su Director, el Ing. José Luis Luege Tamargo anunció que se suspenderá el tercer corte de agua programado para el próximo fin de semana (1, 2 y 3 de mayo), a pesar del bajo nivel del sistema Cutzamala que abastece de agua potable al área metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, debido a la epidemia.

* El Instituto Federal Electoral, a través del consejero presidente, Leonardo Valdés Zurita, recomendó a todos los candidatos a puestos de elección popular no realizar mítines multitudinarios y "evitar concentraciones".

* En el Estado de Hidalgo (considerado de gran riesgo dada su cercanía y subconurbación de algunas localidades al Distrito Federalal a traves del Estado de México) el Consejo Estatal de Salud dio las instrucciones pertinentes para el cierre de 77 balnearios al público, como parte de las medidas preventivas contra la epidemia.

* Se suspende la Feria de San Marcos de Aguascalientes como medida precautoria para evitar contagios.

* La Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social hace un llamado a los empresarios y trabajadores para tomar medidas precautorias ante la emergencia sanitaria en sus fuentes de trabajo.[48] En tanto, el Consejo de la Judicatura del Distrito Federal determinó suspender labores en juzgados y tribunales en las materias civil, administrativa y penal.

* Por la noche del día 27 y la madrugada del 28 de abril y ante rumores de un inminente cierre de los negocios del Distrito Federal, a pesar de que se ha garantizado el abasto de víveres, se registraron compras de pánico en varios supermercados de la ciudad, volviendo a la normalidad por la mañana.

* El 28 de abril La Secretaría de Transportes y Vialidad del Distrito Federal, a través su Secretario, Armando Quintero, informó que será obligatorio que los conductores de taxis y microbuses utilicen cubrebocas y guantes, con penalización de ser remitidos al corralón. Esta medida entra en vigor a partir del 29 de abril.

* Igualmente, el mismo día, el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia anunció que cerrarán los 116 museos a nivel nacional bajo su administración hasta nuevo aviso.

* La Cámara de Comercio de México D.F asegura que las pérdidas han sido de aproximadamente $57 millones diarios.

* El gobernador de Tabasco decidio suspender hasta el mes de agosto la eleccion de la flor de oro y las actividades de la Expo Tabasco 2009

Fuente : Wikipedia

Fiebre Porcina en el PERU

El ministro de Salud, Óscar Ugarte, informó que los exámenes hechos a una argentina que está internada en el Callao dieron positivo en el factor H1 y que aún falta una prueba para determinar el N1, pero ya se le considera portadora del virus. Se suspendieron los vuelos desde y hacia México.

La ciudadana argentina Alejandrina Coche, de 27 años, quien llegó ayer al aeropuerto internacional Jorge Chávez del Callao, en un vuelo procedente de México, se convirtió en el primer caso de gripe porcina en el Perú, informó hoy el ministro peruano de Salud, Óscar Ugarte.

La mujer, quien el lunes partió de California hacia México, donde permaneció algunas horas, y luego continúo su viaje a Argentina, vía Panamá, se sintió mal durante el vuelo y su situación fue advertida por la tripulación, que pidió permiso para aterrizar de emergencia en Lima. Tenía fiebre alta, tos constante y sangrado nasal, generando la alarma en el resto de los pasajeros, que exigieron que sea desembarcada.

Coche fue aislada en un ambiente especial del hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión del Callao, y se le practicaron tres pruebas: la primera había dado negativo a la gripe porcina, según informaron autoridades de salud del Callao por la mañana, generando cierto alivio, aunque pidieron esperar los resultados definitivos.

El ministro Ugarte, ya por la noche, dijo que los otros exámenes realizados a Coche dieron positivo en el factor H1 (Influenza) y que aún falta una prueba para determinar el N1 (Porcina), pero ya se le considera portadora de la enfermedad por los síntomas que presentó durante el viaje y porque estuvo en México, donde estalló el virus.

“El caso de fiebre porcina (de Coche) lo tenemos confirmado el 80%. Mañana a las seis de la tarde haremos públicos los resultados totales. Es como poseer hoy el nombre de la enfermedad y esperar a mañana para saber el apellido”, dijo en conferencia realizada en la sede del Ministerio de Salud.

El ministro añadió que este caso, el cual – recalcó – es “importado”, puede ser el punto de partida de una evolución epidémica si no se toman las medidas necesarias.

Además de los controles en puertos y aeropuertos, Ugarte anunció que el Gobierno decidió suspender los vuelos desde y hacia México, con el fin de contener la influenza porcina.

Asimismo, el ministro señaló que por hay nueve casos en observación en varias cuidades del país, entre los que los que mencionó cuatro: un mexicano que llegó a Loreto por trabajo; una guía turística en Cusco que mantuvo contacto con turistas mexicanos el fin de semana; una peruana residente en Canadá que llegó a Lima el lunes; y otra connacional en Ayacucho que retornó el pasado 25 de abril del país azteca.


Download ADPHONE 3.0.80

Download ADPHONE 3.0.80 Here in descargafullprogramas

Haga llamadas gratis a celulares fijos completamente gratis 30 minutos diarios cada 2 minutos a celulares.

Cómo funciona

En primer lugar tiene que descargar e instalar ADPHONE en su equipo Windows.

A continuación, cree un nombre de usuario y active su cuenta verificando su dirección de correo electrónico.

Después inicie ADPHONE en su PC, colóquese los auriculares y marque un número de teléfono.

Si llama a teléfonos de línea terrestre, le regalamos 30 minutos al día.*
Le podemos hacer este regalo porque ganamos dinero mostrando anuncios visuales durante las llamadas.

La Letra De La Cancion de Mario

Super Mario Bros. Theme:

Go Go Mario

Today, full of energy, Mario is still running, running
Go save Princess Peach! Go!
Today, full of energy, Mario runs
Today, full of energy, jumping!
Today, full of energy, searching for coins
Today, keep going, Mario!

Get a mushroom - it’s Super Mario!
Get a flower - it’s Fire Mario!

Goomba! Troopa! Buzzy Beetle! Beat them all!
Mario is always full of energy and strong!

[Spoken] The only one who can reverse the spell that has captured the Mushroom People is Princess Peach. But Princess Peach is hidden underground, in a far-off castle. Ah, the days of peace… if we could once more return to those days… to save Princess Peach and bring peace back to the Mushroom Kingdom, that is why Mario is on his journey today.

Today, full of energy, Mario is still running, running
Go and beat the Koopa tribe, go!
Today, full of energy, Mario runs
Today, full of energy, jumping!
Today, full of energy, searching for coins
Today, keep going, Mario!

Get a star - become invincible!
Quickly, go save Princess Peach!

Lakitu! Blooper! Cheep Cheep! Beat them all!
Mario is always full of energy and strong!

Today, full of energy, Mario is still running, running
He’s made it to the castle and gets fireworks!
Lightly sidestepping the Hammer Bros.
Show the last of your power, Mario!
It’s been a long journey but it’s nearly at an end
You’ve done it, you’ve done it! You’ve defeated Bowser!

Princess Peach says “Thank you”
Mario’s got a great big heart!

Mario’s adventure is over for now, but
Mario’s dream lives forever…

Uopa! se que te sorprendio


Download Gephex-Audio Tools

Download Gephex-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Gephex is a modular video jockey software. The base visuals can be chosen from sources like video files or cameras. Then they can be modified by filters and mixers. Each modifier has several parameters, that can be controlled by signal-generators, input devices like joysticks, sound cards, or midi-devices.

Gephex runs on GNU/Linux, Win32, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD. The effect engine is independent from the user interface, which can be de- and attached at runtime. All effects and media streams are extendible by plugins. Gephex is written in C++.

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Download EffecTV-Audio Tools

Download EffecTV-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

This is a quick port of EffecTV for using on Windows computers. Unlike the original effectv-windows port this new version uses Microsoft Directshow(tm) technology for high speed video rendering.

Most of the effects code was left untouched, except for various compile and warning fixes, however the core video capture/processing code has been completely rewritten, since SDL is no longer used.

Internally, the effects engine is built as a DirectShow(tm) filter, which means it can be inserted into any filter graph to do video processing. Because it is a "in place" transform filter, it only supports a number of colorspaces, those being RGB32, RGB24, RGB555, RGB565, I420 and YUY2. However if you use intelligent graph rendering, an appropriate colorspace converter filter should be auto-inserted in case your capture device does not support a particular color space.

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Download Encounter -Audio Tools

Download Encounter-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Encounter2003 Release 4.1 is the first and only fully multithreaded sound editor in the Windows world today.

Load files and work on files while other filters are still running in the background. Encounter2003 also features the EncounterExtension plug-in architecture, which works similarly to plug-in architectures that are know in the graphic world for years. Encounter2003 can add functionality directly via it's web plug-in.

This software is freeware! Featuring several fixes on user reported bugs, a new stylish XP compatible user interface update and more.

Mail me if you are interested in distributing Encounter.

This software is designed for Microsoft Windows XP. To install under Windows 95/98/Me download and install the Microsoft Installer 2.0 first available here. For Windows 2000 (pre-SP3) and NT4 the Microsoft Installer 2.0 can be downloaded from here.
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Download EAC-Audio Tools

Download EAC-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

* It is free (for non-commercial purposes)
* It works with a technology, which reads audio CDs almost perfectly. If there are any errors that can’t be corrected, it will tell you on which time position the (possible) distortion occurred, so you could easily control it with e.g. the media player

With other audio grabbers you usually need to listen to every grabbed wave because they only do jitter correction. Scratched CDs read on CD-ROM drives often produce distortions. But listening to every extracted audio track is a waste of time. Exact Audio Copy conquer these problems by making use of several technologies like multi-reading with verify and AccurateRip.

EAC Screenshot
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Download dBpowerAMP Music Converter-Audio Tools

Download dBpowerAMP Music Converter-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Audio conversion perfected, effortlessly convert between formats. dBpoweramp Music Converter™ has become 'the standard' tool for audio conversions, over 20 million users worldwide rely on dBpoweramp:

# Convert audio files with elegant simplicity. mp3, mp4, m4a (iTunes / iPod), Windows Media Audio (WMA), Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Monkeys Audio, FLAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC) to name a few!
# Multi CPU Encoding Support,
# Rip digitally record audio CDs (with CD Ripper),
# Batch Convert large numbers of files with 1 click,
# Windows Integration popup info tips, audio properties, columns, edit ID-Tags,
# DSP Effects such as Volume Normalize, or Graphic EQ

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Download CUE Splitter-Audio Tools

Download CUE Splitter-Audio Tools Here in descargafullrpogramas

CUE Splitter is a freeware tool that split a single big audio track, mostly an album or a compilation, into the relative individual audio tracks, using informations contained in the associated "CUE" file. Sometimes you can find a big compressed audio file (for example MP3, APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WMA, etc...) equipped with a small "CUE" text file that contain informations about tracks title, artist and length. Usually these couple of files are generated by programs like EAC (Exact Audio Copy), CDRWin, BPM Studio, GoldWave or similar.With CUE Splitter you can obtain splitted audio track files without burn any CDR or decode/re-encode any audio data! Moreover audio files are automatically named using a user-defined "file mask" string, it's tags are filled with informations extracted from "CUE" file and, optionally, an M3U playlist file can be generated (option enabled by default). CUE Splitter is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
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Download CDex-Audio Tools

Download CDex-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

My goal is to improve the CDex development as much as possible.
Therefore a major boost within the development has to be done.

New Windows versions are released and still many users want support for Windows 95.

Although it is 2007 now, there is a possibility to support these old Windows versions as long as possible.
At least within the CDex 1.x version. This means that with the release of CDex 2 the support for some
of the old Windows versions can be quit.
There is still the possibility to provide support for these systems, using the
Microsoft Layer for Unicode, but with limited support for these platforms.
In the case of a huge demand for these old Windows versions, I will work out a possibility
to still support these versions.

Many CDex users send in feature requests and also bug reports. A lot of great ideas
have been collected in the past and have to be implementend now and I am really keen
to work on all of them.

Right now, I want to say: "Thank you CDex users for your great help!"

At the moment the biggest problem is my development environment and my hardware.
Many users want support for Windows Vista and also for new hardware. Especially in the past,
the demand for multi-core / multi-cpu support has dramatically increased. With this
technology move, the adoption of 64-bit systems in the computer market has increased rapidly.
Therefore the users also demand native 64-bit binaries and support for these systems.

The main goal is to improve CDex to a completely new level and make its usage even better with
an eye on the current technology development!

With more than 32,000,000 downloads, CDex has grown extremely and has a huge user base.
The daily download rate is about 10,000 downloads and the interest of the users is increasing steadily.

I am sure, that there will be even more users in the future, enjoying all the new improvements.

As CDex is a free time project, the support and coding skills are offered for free.
You can download CDex, use it, give it to friends for free, without being afraid to get in trouble or
even paying money for it - it is free software.

CDex lives with its community. The community, every single user, makes CDex special!
All the suggestions and ideas come from the community, are implemented and given back to the community, to every single user, for free.

All this and all your rights are ensured by the GNU General Public License.

I hope, that every single user of CDex enjoys this great software and will be able to help to improve CDex even more.
Fuente :

Download Balthers Graphic Groove Box-Audio Tools

Download Balthers Graphic Groove Box-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Es un herramienta digital artistica de aproximadamente 20 mb solo necesitas escribir tu email y crearte un password ;)

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Download Audiograil-Audio Tools

Download Audiograil-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

AudioGrail (Formerly K-MP3) is the swiss army knife for everthing that is related to audio files (MP3, MPC, OGG...). It can very easily rename and tag (tag: info such as artist name, album, track title) your files automatically. It can also analyse quality, organize files on your system, find duplicated files and improve your everydays audio experience !


AudioGrail features ...

* Supports : MP3, OGG, MPC, APE, AAC, FLAC and WavPack files.
* Automatically Albums Ranaming & Tagging (ID3Tag V1 & V2 tags, Vorbis (Ogg) comments and APEv2 tags are supported) Powered by FreeDB.
* One-by-one tag editor with queue (for multiple files edition).
* Audio files To Audio CD burning capabilities.
* Files Names Normalizer (Case Standardization...)
* Tags Normalizer (Case Standardization...)
* Mass Tags Remover
* Files Organizer (Mass Tag To Name / Move To Folder)
* Duplicate Files Finder
* Playlist Creator & Analyser (Supported Formats : m3u, pls, xpl)
* Files Lister (Supported Formats : Raw listing, Coma Separated Values, SQL, XML)
* Incomplete Tags Finder.
* Quality Analyser.
* Internationalization support.
* ... And much more !

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Download AudioShell-Audio Tools

Download AudioShell-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

AudioShell is a freeware MS Windows Explorer shell extension plug-in which allows you to view and edit ID3 metadata tags directly in Windows Explorer. It supports all files and tags standards supported by Tag&Rename. AudioShell adds ID3 tag editor and viewer tabs to the music files properties menu (you can edit ID3 tags file by file or in groups); detailed music files hints with tag and file information; and additional columns in the Explorer files list. Full Unicode support.

Great tool for mp3 players owners! You quickly and easily fix file tags in Explorer before uploading to your iPod/Creative or any other mp3 player.

Supported files and tags formats:

* mp3 (all ID3 tag versions)
* wma, asf and wmv (including DRM protected files)
* Apple iTunes and iPod aac (m4a, m4b, m4v and m4p) and mp4 files
* ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags)
* mpc, mp+ (APE/APEv2 tags)
* monkey's audio (APE/APEv2 tags)
* wav pack (APE/APEv2 tags)
* optim frog (APE/APEv2 tags)
* wav (ID3v2 tag in 'tag ' RIFF chunk)

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Download MP3 Tag-Audio Tools

Download MP3 Tag-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of common audio formats where it supports ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags.

It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words in tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more.

Mp3tag supports online database lookups from, e.g., Amazon, discogs, or freedb, allowing you to automatically gather proper tags and cover art for your music library.

Mp3tag supports the following audio formats:

* Advanced Audio Coding (aac)
* Free Lossless Audio Codec (flac)
* Monkey's Audio (ape)
* Mpeg Layer 3 (mp3)
* MPEG-4 (mp4 / m4a / m4b / iTunes compatible)
* Musepack (mpc)
* Ogg Vorbis (ogg)
* OptimFROG (ofr)
* OptimFROG DualStream (ofs)
* Speex (spx)
* Tom's Audio Kompressor (tak)
* True Audio (tta)
* Windows Media Audio (wma)
* WavPack (wv)

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Download Audacity-Audio Tools

Download Audacity-Audio Tools Here in descargafullprogramas

Audacity es un programa libre y de código abierto para grabar y editar sonidos. Está disponible para Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux y otros sistemas operativos. Aprender más sobre Audacity... Consulte también nuestro Wiki y el foro para obtener más información.

La última versión de Audacity es 1.3.5 (beta). Al ser un trabajo en desarrollo no una documentación completa o una traducción a otros idiomas. Está indicada para usuarios avanzados. Consulte Nuevas características en la versión 1.3 para ver más información sobre la serie 1.3.x beta.

Para todos los usuarios, Audacity 1.2.6 es una versión estable, completa y totalmente documentada. Puede tener instaladas simultáneamente Audacity 1.2.6 y 1.3.5.
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Download Xion-Audio Players

Download Xion-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Xion Audio Player is an ultra light, easily skinnable, out of this world Audio Player.

Xion Audio Player features a new standard in skin support. Baffled by script syntax? Pulling your hair out over slicing up skin elements? Crying over spilt milk?

Xion's approach to skinning will remove all scripting and slicing requirements that other skin systems have placed on users. Xion Audio Player will directly read a .PSD file and using layer names, instantly bring your skin to life.

Xion Audio Player also supports direct loading from Zip files which allow you to package several .PSD files in the one package. This has the added benefit of being compressed and therefore consumes less disk space.

Xion Audio Player is ultra light and only consumes minimal amounts of RAM and CPU.


* Ultra easy to skin using a powerful skinning system (No coding required!)
* Complete animation support
* Skins load directly from .PSD files, not script or extra files required!
* Powerful playlist support
* Seamless playback
* 10 band equalizer with presets
* Blazingly fast, low cpu and low memory consumption
* MP3/OGG (Shoutcast, etc) internet radio streaming
* Customizable global hotkeys
* Auto play and position saver
* Single click play/pause
* Volume and balance controls
* Full system tray functionality
* MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger Integration
* Future Expansion through Components
* Portable version available

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Download XMPlay-Audio Players

Download XMPlay-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

XMPlay is an audio player, supporting the OGG / MP3 / MP2 / MP1 / WMA / WAV / CDA / MO3 / IT / XM / S3M / MTM / MOD / UMX audio formats, and PLS / M3U / ASX / WAX playlists. A load more formats are also supported via plugins. When XMPlay was first released in 1998, only the XM format was supported, hence the name "XMPlay".

New in this version:
* Library menu options and shortcuts to select all tracks with matching tags
* Reverb "time" parameter
* Configureable internet connection timeout and pre-buffering
* CDDB and CDTEXT info shown separately
* Option to prefer CDDB or CDTEXT for tags
* Updated version notifications

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Download VUPlay-Audio Players

Download VUPlay-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

VUPlayer is a freeware multi-format audio player for Windows
supporting the following formats:

MOD • Sound/Noise/ProTracker
MTM • MultiTracker
S3M • ScreamTracker
XM • FastTracker
IT • ImpulseTracker
MO3 • MO3 Packer
MP3 • MPEG Audio
MP4 • QuickTime MPEG-4 (AAC/Apple Lossless)
MPC • Musepack
OGG • Ogg Vorbis
FLAC • Free Lossless Audio Codec
APE • Monkey's Audio
WV • WavPack
AIFF • Audio Interchange File Format
WMA • Windows Media Audio
WAV • Windows PCM/ACM
MIDI • Musical Instrument Digital Interface
CD • Audio CD

Features include:

• gapless playback •
• MP3/OGG/WMA internet file streaming •
• optional 32-bit mixing •
• 9-band graphic equalizer •
• volume, balance & pitch controls •
• full system tray functionality •
• timer playback/screen saver feature •
• configurable system-wide hotkeys •
• support for multiple visuals via a plug-in system •
• digital audio extraction •
• encoding to Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, APE, WMA & WV formats •
• Audioscrobbler support •
• remote freedb support •
• CD-Text support •
Fuente :

Download Screamer Radio-Audio Players

Download Screamer Radio-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Songbird is an open-source customizable music player that's under active development.

We're working on creating a non-proprietary, cross platform, extensible tool that will help enable new ways to playback, manage, and discover music. There are lots of ways to contribute your time to the project. We'd love your help!

There are several features we're proud of, but we'll be the first to admit that others need ironing out, are experimental, or are just plain missing. There's still a lot to do.

Fuente :

Download Quintessencial Player-Audio Players

Download Quintessencial Player-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

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Download QCD Player-Audio Players

Download QCD Player-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Quintessential Media Player is a feature rich media player for Microsoft Windows. It supports all popular audio formats including MP3, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, and CDs. QMP is highly skinnable and has a robust plug-in architecture.
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Download musikCube-Audio Players

Download musikCube-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

musikCube is an mp3 player for the modern generation. It helps you just listen to what you want to hear, while offering innovative features not seen elsewhere. For the
technical user, musikCube is based on an embedded SQL database engine known as sqlite. For the non technical user, that means its fast.

Really fast. "Dynamic playlists" allow fully automatic, randomized
playback of songs based on your observed listening habits. The more
you listen, the smarter it gets. It also features browsable, user
reorderable playlists.

Cube also makes transferring audio between home and work very easy with it's unique support for removable storage devices. A "removable storage device" is any flash
memory, thumb drive, or portable mp3 player that acts as a hard disk when you plug it in.

Fuente :

Download Musik-Audio Players

Download Musik-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Current version: Windows, Linux

* Fast startup time.
* Plays mp3, ogg, APE ,MPC ,FLAC, mp2, wav, aiff and wma (win only) files.
* Net streaming support for icecast and shoutcast streams.
* Advanced crossfading for smooth playback.
* 16-band dual-channel equalizer!
* Powerful batch and auto-tagging allows hassle free organization.
* Reads APE V1 & V2,ID3V1,ID3V2,flac ,ogg and wma format tags.
* Writes tags in APE V1 & V2, ID3V1, ID3V2,flac and ogg format.
* Embedded SQL database makes searching and organizing 10000's of files quick and easy.
* Supports multimedia keyboard or standard keyboard play control keys on windows and linux.
* Random Auto DJ (single and album mode), shuffle and loop playback options.
* Static playlist creation with drag 'n drop of single songs or whole albums or artists from the library view.
* Mighty dynamic playlists.
* Localized in 10 languages! (german,czech,italian,spanish,portuguese,norwegian,french,dutch,russian and polish)
* Fuzzy search feature
* Current album art display
Fuente :

Download MPXPlay-Audio Players

Download MPXPlay-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

More special functions (not full list):
- control with keyboard, mouse, joystick, serial port (infra receiver)
- playlist handling, drive and directory scan
- useful playlist related functions (sort, tag-filter, on-screen editing)
- fast forward and rewind (seeking), between the songs too
- cross-fade songs in real time
- auto volume correction; dynamic limiter; surround, speed (freq) control, tone control (mp2,mp3,mpc only)
- LCD-display handling
- ID3 tag editor and list maker (list->id3tag, id3tag->list)
- Unicode (UTF-16, UTF-8) handling (APETagv2, ASF, ID3v2, Flac, M3U8, Ogg)
- LFN (long filenames) support under Windows and DOS too (with DOSLFNv0.40 or DOSLFNv0.33)
- bitstream I/O handling to cut audio streams without re-encoding (aac,ac3,dts,mp2,mp3 only)
- commander functions (file copy,move,del)
- AAC,FLAC,MP3,OGG,WavPack encoding with DLLs
- DSP and visual plugins with DLLs
Fuente :

Download MoreAmp-Audio Players

Download MoreAmp-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Audio player, transcoder and cd ripper for Mac OS X, OS 9, Windows, Unix, and Linux. Plays and creates ogg, flac, mp3, aac, m4a, mp4, wav, and aif, and plays wma. 31-band equalizer, repeat loop, variable pitch/tempo, ram or ramdisk preload, more.
Fuente :

Download monoRAVEik-Audio Players

Download monoRAVEik-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

MR1200 is an MP3 player designed specifically for DJing with. Rather than use a PC to replace an entire two-decks-and-a-mixer rig, it replaces only the decks, so you can continue to use your own separate mixer. This allows full use of mixer and headphones for prefading, meaning tracks can be mixed together as they always could be with decks.

With two soundcards in your PC (although it is possible with only one) and two instances of MR1200 running, or even two PCs, you can treat your MP3s just like vinyl

Features include:

* Platter behaves exactly like a real record deck -
grab it and it stops, pull it backwards and it plays backwards.
* Platter can also emulate the jog wheel on a CD deck.
* Vinyl groove simulation for a "picture" of the track -
spot those quiet bits!
* Choice of +8 or +20 pitch control, with separate fine tuning.
* Nudging and twisting emulation.
* Real instant start.
* Cue points.
* Reverse play.
* Pitch control inversion.
* Quartz lock.
* Time elapsed, remaining and total displays.
* Full mouse and keyboard control.

Fuente :

Download Mixxx-Audio Players

Download Mixxx-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Mixxx is free, open source DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.

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Download Mixere-Audio Players

Download Mixere-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Mixere is a free, open-source application for mixing audio files. It runs on Windows NT/2000/XP, and supports WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Flac, and Mod audio files.

Mixere is optimized for live performance, and especially for creating live sound collage. Conceptually, it’s like a rack full of CD players connected to an automated mixer. Mixere's features include dynamic looping of audio, auto-triggering of audio, fully automated sliders, "soft" (gradual) mute/solo operations, crossfading between documents, and unlimited undo.

A Mixere document consists of a number of tracks, each containing a single audio file. Any number of tracks can play simultaneously, subject only to the limits of Windows and sound card performance. Audio is streamed directly from disk, so there's no limit on audio file size, and no waiting for audio to be loaded into memory.

Mixere's interface is similar to a spreadsheet. The rows are tracks, and the columns are properties which can be adjusted for each track: name, transport (play/pause/stop/loop), mute/solo, volume, pan, pitch (+/- one octave), and audio position.

Mixere is licensed under the GPL, and uses an open-source audio library called Audiere.

Fuente :

Download MediaMonkey-Audio Players

Download MediaMonkey-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Manage a music library from 100 to 50,000+ audio files and playlists*; whether Rock, Classical, Audiobooks, or Podcasts; whether they’re located on your hard drive, CDs, or a network. Organize, browse, or search music by Genre, Artist, Year, Rating, etc., and never waste your time trying to find mp3s you know you have.

MediaMonkey is the music organizer for the serious collector.

Fuente :

Download Juke-Audio Players

Download Juke-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Juke is the one player for all your sound, music, and video files, and also including music CDs. It allows you to create mixed playlists easily by dragging and dropping. Juke plays .wav's, .mid's, .mp2's, .mp3's, .mod's, .avi's, .mpg's, .mov's and many other file formats. Use DirectX plug-ins to turn Juke into a professional music production system with an equalizer, compressor and limiter.


* Unlimited playlist length
* Use directories as playlist
* Intro Scan, Random play mode
* Windowless mode, control via task bar menu
* Support for DirectX Plug-Ins
* Full Screen playback
* Build-in Directory Tree
* Priority control
* Languages: English, German, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese, Russian
* Supports ID3 tags and Windows Media meta data

Fuente :

Download Jet Audio Basic-Audio Players

Download Jet Audio Basic-Audio Players Here in descargafullproframas

jetAudio Basic is definitely freeware without some advanced features of jetAudio Plus.
If you need these features, you can purchase jetAudio Plus including all Extension Packs at our online store.
Fuente :

Download CoolPlayer

Download CoolPlayer Here in descargafullprogramas


* GNU General Public License
* Freeform Skins
* Simple User Interface
* Advanced Playlist editor
* Internet streaming
* ID3 Multitagger
* File Renamer
* Fast mp3->wav converter
* MAD mpeg engine
* OGG Vorbis support
* Winamp input plugins support
* Smallest executable programmed in blazing fast 'C'
* Continuous play
* 8 band convolution equalizer


Download Billy-Audio Players

Download Billy-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Billy es un reproductor de audio que te permite reproducir todo un directorio de los archivos MP3. Puede cargar los archivos por lo general 2 a 8 veces más rápido que el winamp o reproductor de medios. Billy juega álbumes de música sin ningún tipo de diferencias entre pistas, por lo que la superposición de un aplauso o golpear continuará. El jugador es 100% controlable por el teclado y su buscador de fácil cambiar el nombre de funciones especiales y ayudar a encontrar y organizar sus archivos de forma rápida.


Freeware (sin adware)
Corre en Win 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP/2003
No pieles, etiquetas de mp3 no, no del ecualizador, no sin sentido - de audio puro
Formatos soportados: MP3, WAV, OGG
Alta calidad de sonido del motor, por Un4seen Bass
Extremadamente rápido, cargas de 1000 archivos mp3 en un segundo
Sin huecos trackchange de archivos mp3
Directorio o lista de reproducción basada en
Los nombres de archivo renamer para organizar sus álbumes de música
Calibrada dB medidor de nivel
100% controlable mediante teclado
Poca memoria y el uso de la CPU
Canciones de su próximo cola
Encontrar una canción específica rápidamente
Fuente :

Download Winamp-Audio Players

Download Winamp-Audio Players Here in descargafullprogramas

Now with Winamp’s Online Services, you can get free MP3s everyday from Spinner. The magic all happens from inside the Winamp player, so be sure to download the latest version and click on "Online Services" in the Winamp Media Library. You’ll instantly get access to some of our featured services, including SHOUTcast Radio, OurStage Radio, and Spinner's MP3 of the Day.
Fuente :

Download iTunes-Audio Players

Download iTunes-Audio Players here in descargafullprogramas
Solo pon tu correo electronico y enter y tu descarga empezara

iTunes is a free application for Mac and PC. It plays all your digital music and video. It syncs content to your iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. And it’s a store where you can find more to entertain you, any time of the day.

Fuente :

Download Foobar 2000-Audio Players

Download Foobar 2000-Audio Players aqui en descargafullprogramas

foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include full unicode support, ReplayGain support and native support for several popular audio formats.
foobar2000 v0.9.6.5 beta 2 has been released.


Download AIMP

Download AIMP Here in descargafullprogramas-Rapidshare
Download AIMP Here in

AIMP Classic is a powerful audio player that allows you to listen to your favorite music with an outstanding sound quality. Its appearance resembles that of another classical audio player (Winamp), so you'll get used to it very quickly. It can also be customized with skins.

The program includes a 18-band equalizer, a visualization window to display rhythmic visual effects and a playlist editor to organize your audio files. A nice fading effect makes your list of songs look like an endless music loop and a handy volume normalizing feature avoids drastic volume changes between tracks. Also, the player's main functions can be conveniently controlled by global hotkeys.

Besides playing music, AIMP Classic features three extra utilities which also enable you to record any sound on your computer, convert audio files from one format to another and view or edit tags.

AIMP Classic is based on the well-known audio engine BASS, so it's easy to connect new plug-ins (from the plug-in library included in the program) and expand the player's functionalities.

Download WinPatrol Anti Spyware

Download WinPatrol Anti Spyware Here in descargafullprogramas

WinPatrol offers very powerful protection. It's a terrific free tool, popular with techies since it was created 10 years ago by Bill Pytlovany, one of the original designers of AOL and a longtime open-source practitioner. The premier version, called WinPatrol Plus, costs just $30 for a lifetime subscription, which includes all updates, and is designed for the average consumer. WinPatrol takes a snapshot of your Windows run registry, and from then on blocks and alerts you to any new executable program, such as a malicious backdoor, that tries to install itself on your hard drive


Download Spyware Terminator

Download Spyware Terminator Here in descargafullprogramas

La protección de su computadora a un nivel superior!. Tenga una valiosa combinación de protección antispyware en tiempo-real y una alerta que le avise contra la entrada inadvertida en sitios de Internet potencialmente peligrosos.

* Protección Efectiva contra Spyware
Spyware Terminator impide que el spyware pueda infectar su computadora.
* Protección en Tiempo-Real 100% Gratuita
Protégé su sistema y se asegura de que el spyware es interceptado antes de poder ser instalado.
* Incluye Protección Antivirus
Detección ampliada de las amenazas durante los análisis y en la Protección en Tiempo-Real.
* Navegación y Búsquedas seguras en Internet
Web Security Guard es uno de los dispositivos que componen la Barra de Herramienta Crawler, que le presentará revisiones de nivel de amenazas de los sitios web, actuando como prevención antes de llegar a entrar en tales sitios peligrosos.


Download Sentinel

Download Sentinel Here in descargafullprogramas

-Advanced File Integrity Checker

* Audits your system folder (as well as upto 20 other folders) for the slightest file changes and/or additions. If any files fail the integrity check, your anti-virus/trojan program will be notified

-Registry Watcher

* The RegWatch portion of Sentinel will warn your anti-virus program of programs that are trying to start up using the Registry

-Secure Shut Down

* Shut Down your computer with confidence that no viruses or trojans will attempt to corrupt your system. This feature will automatically perform an Integrity Check and a Registry audit - all files that have been changed or modified will be scanned by your anti-virus scanner.

-Automatic Activity Logging

* Logs every file that Sentinel sends over to your anti-virus scanner; every log can be re-scanned with ease

-Integrates seamlessly with most anti-virus/trojan applications (upto two at one time)

Download SpywareBlaster

Download SpywareBlaster Here in descargafullprogramas
The easiest way to keep your protection up-to-date.
SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate keeps you protected automatically, with automatic database updates, easy multi-user coverage, and technical support.

All powered by the advanced protection against spyware and malware that over 50 million people worldwide trust.


Download Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner v1.13.03

Download Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner Here in descargafullprogramas

Bazooka™ Adware and Spyware Scanner detects a multitude of spyware, adware, trojan, keylogger, foistware and trackware components; sources of irritation that antivirus software does not deal with. The scanning process will only take about two seconds and tell you how to uninstall the potentially unwanted applications using simple step-by-step instructions or put you in contact with the vendor for the most up-to-date and safe uninstall instructions.

Spyware and adware is often bundled with software such as Kazaa, Morpheus, Grokster, Imesh, Xolox, Gnutella and a myriad of other programs, and in many cases installed without your knowledge. Some send information about your surfing habits to ad companies, which target you with popup ads that fit your preferences.

Bazooka™ Adware and Spyware Scanner search for CoolWebSearch, Gator, GAIN, Bargain Buddy, CommonName, FlashTrack, IPInsight, n-CASE, SaveNow, Wurldmedia, etc. The complete list is available in the online encyclopedia. To stay up-to-date with the new spyware and adware the latest detection definition is always available from the Bazooka web site.

Bazooka is freeware and Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP compatible.

Download Arovax AntiSpyware

Download Arovax AntiSpyware

Arovax AntiSpyware 2.1.153 has been released

Arovax Company, a leading producer of shareware and freeware software for personal privacy of home users and office workers has released Arovax AntiSpyware 2.1.153 in the September 21 2007.

New version has been modified appropriately. Now software cab scan the system right after the signature database update. To relieve the stress of users software updates automatically that's why you should not check for available update every new update, software will do it in itself. To follow Arovax AntiSpyware activity all the time the icon will be now always in tray.

To make you aware about updates we did software intellectual and when all your updates are downloaded Arovax AntiSpyware says you about that. Now you don't need to go to the site to read about Arovax AntiSpyware last news because we have included a special category to the software («News»).

We have made software multilingual by opening the access to the language file. Now you can correct smth or even translate all texts in language you'd like. A lot of things in interface have been fixed. For example, error connected with "Background of "Select folder" link is not the same as the main background" has been modified and looks pretty nice. Also there has been fixed Database date on the main screen after update. Scheduled scan with active main tab bug has been corrected and everything is fine now. An error with input text on update task field has been deleted now you should choose the scan mode you prefer and run software.

General new features:

* New: "Ability to scan the system after the signature database update"

* New: "Automatic update of Arovax AntiSpyware"

* New: "Open format of language file"

* New: "Arovax AntiSpyware icon is always in tray"

* New: "Notify about results of signature database update"

* New: "An option allowing news download from Internet"

General fixed bugs:

1. Fixed: "Background of "Select folder" link is not the same as the main background"
2. Fixed: "A database date on the main screen after update"
3. Fixed: "Scheduled scan with active main tab"
4. Fixed: "Update task field is available for text input"

Download Ad-aware

Download Ad-aware Here in descargafullprogramas

Download Ad-aware en su version Free antes de ello tienes que registrate asi te aseguraras de que te estas descargando la ultima version

Download Super AntiSpyware

Download Super AntiSpyware here in descargafullprogramas

SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential threats as you surf the Internet. Used in conjunction with our First Chance Prevention and Registry Protection, your computer is protected from thousands of threats that attempt to infect and infiltrate your system at startup or while shutting down your system.

The Scheduling, Automatic Updates and Daily Definition Updates featured in SUPERAntiSpyware Professional provide the additional elements for protection that guarantees your system is protected with the most up-to-date protective information available. Our exemplary customer support and free system diagnostic services complement our technological superiority.

SUPERAntiSpyware Professional provides all the necessary elements for complete protection from Spyware threats.

Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Here in descargafullprogramas

Have you ever considered what makes an anti-malware application effective? We at Malwarebytes have created an easy-to-use, simple, and effective anti-malware application. Whether you know it or not your computer is always at risk of becoming infected with viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, dialers, spyware, and malware that are constantly evolving and becoming harder to detect and remove. Only the most sophisticated anti-malware techniques can detect and remove these malicious programs from your computer.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is considered to be the next step in the detection and removal of malware. In our product we have compiled a number of new technologies that are designed to quickly detect, destroy, and prevent malware. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware can detect and remove malware that even the most well known anti-virus and anti-malware applications fail to detect. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware monitors every process and stops malicious processes before they even start. The Realtime Protection Module uses our advanced heuristic scanning technology which monitors your system to keep it safe and secure. In addition, we have implemented a threats center which will allow you to keep up to date with the latest malware threats.

Activating the full version unlocks realtime protection, scheduled scanning, and scheduled updating. For consumers and personal use, it is a one time fee of $24.95. For corporate and business customers, annual licenses are required, please see our Corporate Licensing program.
Fuente :

Download SpyBot Search & Destroy-Anti Spyware

Download SpyBot Search & Destroy-Anti Spyware Aqui en Descargafullprogramas-Fileforum
Download SpyBot Search & Destroy-Anti Spyware Aqui en Descargafullprogramas-SecurityWonks

Aplicación que analiza su PC en busca de software espía, publicitario, modificadores de navegador (hijackers) y otras aplicaciones de software malicioso.


Download ClamWin Antivirus

Download ClamWin Antivirus aqui en descargafullprogramas

ClamWin es un antivirus libre para Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Provee una interfaz gráfica de usuario al motor Clam AntiVirus.
El antivirus libre ClamWin viene con su propio instalador fácil de usar y es de código abierto sin costo adicional. Sus características son:
* Alto porcentaje de detección de virus y spyware
* Planificador de búsqueda de virus
* Actualizaciones automáticas de la base de datos de viruses. El equipo de ClamAV actualiza su base de datos de forma regular y de forma casi inmediata cada vez que se reportan virus nuevos.
* Buscador de viruses en demanda
* Integración con los menús de contexto de Microsoft Windows Explorer
* Soporte de añadidura a Microsoft Outlook

La ultima versión del antivirus libre Clamwin es 0.95.1

Por favor observe que el antivirus libre ClamWin No incluye un buscador de virus de acceso en tiempo real, es decir, tiene que manualmente analizar el fichero para poder detectar un virus o spyware. Sin embargo, la añadidura de Microsoft Outlook, sí borrará automáticamente los ficheros con virus.

Download BitDefender

Download BitDefender aqui en descargafullprogramas

BitDefender le ofrece la posibilidad de descargar cualquier elemento, desde versiones de evaluación de los productos, white papers, hasta herramientas gratuitas de desinfección y más elementos. Por favor utilice los enlaces a continuación para seleccionar el elemento que desea descargar.

Download a-squared Free 4.0

Download a-squared Free 4.0 aqui en descargafullprogramas
# Scan your PC for infections of Trojans, Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Bots, Keyloggers and Dialers.
# 2 Cleaning Scanners in 1:
Anti-Virus + Anti-Spyware
# 4 million users world wide rely on a-squared to clean their PC from Malware.
Fuente :